
Leadership is the art of getting
someone else to do something
you want done because he wants
to do it. – Dwight Eisenhower

Employee Engagement


We all know that engaging and retaining skilled employees is critical to having a thriving organization that wants to succeed.

Workplacementalhealth.org – “Employers recognize that business success depends on the human capital that drives and supports company objectives. But what happens when the individuals who comprise the human capital – employees – aren’t meaningfully engaged in their work? Research studies in the last decade show that only about one in every five workers is highly engaged. These findings means that upwards of 80 percent of workers are not bringing their best effort to the job.”

Here are a few tips that managers can do to increase engagement, satisfaction, and retention:

1. Consistently give employees meaningful feedback. Not just constructive feedback but feedback that is significant, eloquent and with feeling, this will help them feel individualize from their peers. It also gives the employee the sense that you are paying attention to the details of their hard work.

2. Be absolutely clear about your goals and your expectations for them…and TO them. Clear goals need clear roles! When employees are not clear about their job role you create frustration and a lack of engagement.

3. Consistently reward, recognize and appreciate your employees fairly and openly. Communicate to employees often about how their work matters to the organization. Often times managers have said to me “Why should I need to thank someone for doing something he’s paid to do?” So I had to ask them…So the only time feedback from you is given, is when you’re criticizing them for making mistakes or telling them what to do? Receiving recognition for achievements is one of the most fundamental human necessities. Rather than making personnel complacent, acknowledgment strengthens their accomplishments, helping ensure there will be more of achievements from them, and that there on the right track.

4. Intentionally create opportunities for employees to have access to self-development resources. With the objective of building their skills for possible promotions within the company. It gives employees something to aim for within the organization. It also provides them with a sense of certainty about their future and where they would like to see themselves professional down the road. The skills they learn with you are transferable, they can take those skills up the road to the next employer. So why not create an unending road map for that employee to dedicate their talent and resources to your organization?


2 Responses

  1. Kate Taylor
    Love this poet! Absolutely brilliant quotes!

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    • mani
      Love this poet!